Soledad Rotary Club No. 645 Dictionary Day

Beverly Willitts along with fellow members of the Soledad Rotary Club recently distributed approximately 430 dictionaries to excited third graders attending six different schools in Soledad, California. Beverly strives to carry on the Rotary Club’s Dictionary Program that she and her late husband implemented nearly seven years ago. She remarks, “Our Rotary Club loves this Program
we all love it, especially the children.” The Soledad Rotary Club has established a creative means of raising funds for their yearly Dictionary Project. Beverly explains, “We have what we call our Dictionary Can at Rotary and pass it around every weekly meeting and Rotarians put into the can what they can afford. At the end of a year, we have enough to buy our dictionaries and this year even added a book for the teachers to read to the class.” The Rotary Club’s dedication to their Dictionary Program is evidenced by the reactions that they get from both students and teachers. Beverly adds, “
these children really appreciate these books, as it may be the only book that they can call their own
They love to see us coming and are very appreciative, both children and teachers.”