Word of the Day: Extreme

ex-treme / ikˈstrēm   adjective  
  1. of a character farthest removed from the average
Some people seem to have extreme natural wiring – a talent that seems to come out of nowhere. Kevin Maney, 1960-  
  1. existing in a high degree
Extreme poverty anywhere is a threat to human security everywhere. Kofi Annan, 1938-2018  
  1. farthest from the center; outermost
There should be balance in all our actions; to be either extreme or lukewarm is equally bad. Hazrat Inayat Khan, 1882-1927  
  1. maximum
The extreme self-centered attitude is the source of suffering. Dalai Lama, 1935-  
  1. of, relating to or being an outdoor activity which involves high levels of danger or risk
I think extreme sports are really good for relieving stress. Dave Chappelle, 1973-  
  1. going to great lengths in action, opinion, etc.
All empty souls tend to extreme opinion. It is only in those who have built up a rich world of memories and habits of thought that extreme opinions affront the sense of probability. William Butler Yeats, 1865-1939   noun  
  1. something marking one end of a range or scale
Every virtue is a mean between two extremes, each of which is a vice. Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC  
  1. a measure involving a great amount of risk or highest level of something
Art must be unaesthetic in the extreme, useless and impossible to justify. Francis Picabia, 1879-1953  
  1. an excessive length; far beyond the average
Simplicity, carried to an extreme, becomes elegance. Jon Franklin, 1943-