Word of the Day: Disposition

dis-po-si-tion / dispə’ziSH(ə)n   noun  
  1. prevailing mood or temperament
For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstances but by our disposition. Martha Washington, 1731-1802  
  1. the tendency of someone or something to act in a certain manner under a set of circumstances
Nothing in human nature is so God-Like as the disposition to do good to our fellow-creatures. Samuel Richardson, 1689-1761  
  1. inclination
To give a person an opinion one must first judge well whether that person is of the disposition to receive it or not. Yamamoto Tsunetomo, 1659-1719  
  1. control or power to make decisions about something
Art is the human disposition of sensible or intelligible matter for an esthetic end. Milan Kundera, 1929-  
  1. settlement
The parties’ briefs, exhibits, and, if applicable, the transcript of the hearing testimony, serve as the basis for the decision or other disposition of the case. https://www.hhs.gov/about/agencies  
  1. transfer to the care or possession of someone else
Gains from the sale, exchange or other disposition of any kind of property are taxable under the Pennsylvania personal income tax (PA PIT) law. https://www.revenue.pa.gov/FormsandPublications