Word of the Day: Star

star / star   noun  
  1. a natural luminous celestial body which is most visible at night
The point is not to take the world’s opinion as a guiding star, but to go one’s way in life and working unerringly, neither depressed by failure nor seduced by applause. Gustav Mahler, 1860-1911  
  1. in astrology, a planet or arrangement of planets seen as influencing one’s destiny, usually plural
The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern of the stars at the moment it comes into the world, unconsciously remembers it, and remains sensitive to the return of configurations of a similar kind. Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630  
  1. a waxing or waning in fame or fortune
In the latest indicator that Abrams’s star continues to rise, she will deliver the Democratic response to President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday. Vanessa Williams, ?- https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/stacey-abrams-lost-the-georgia-governors-raise-but-her-star-is-rising/2019/02/02/1c3f4b74-2737-11e9-ad53-824486280311_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.df51fca3d56e  
  1. a figure with five or six points
A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. Roger Caras, 1928-2001  
  1. a medal in the shape of a five-pointed figure, worn by someone to show their rank, authority, or as a badge of honor
The first woman in U.S. history to achieve the rank of four-star general said she learned her first leadership lesson as a newly minted second lieutenant: Never walk by a mistake. https://www.ausa.org/news/dunwoody-discusses-leadership  
  1. an actor, singer, etc. who has the lead role in a performance
The rehearsal pianist, the head carpenter, the stage manager, the star of the show – all are family. John Kander, 1927-  
  1. in printing, an asterisk
Well – when I write my book, and tell the tale Of my adventures – all these little stars That shake out of my cloak – I must save To use for asterisks. Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619-1655  
  1. a celebrated person in a field such as art, sports, etc.
Being a star just means that you just find your own special place, and that you shine where you are. Dolly Parton, 1946-   adjective  
  1. celebrated; distinguished
In every school, more boys wanted to be remembered as a star athlete than as a brilliant student. James S. Coleman, 1926-1995  
  1. of or relating to a luminous celestial body
We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands. Carl Sagan, 1934-1996   verb  
  1. to perform a lead role
What if it was cats who invented technology, would they have TV shows starring rubber squeaky toys? Douglas Coupland, 1961-  
  1. to adorn with five- or six-pointed figures
We had stayed up all night, my friends and I, under hanging mosque lamps with domes of filigreed brass, domes starred like our spirits, shining like them with the prisoned radiance of electric hearts. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, 1876-1944