Word of the Day: Cache/Cash

cache cache / kăsh noun 1. a hiding place for goods or treasures From a cache behind a hollow rotting log my companion brought out a variety of things,–a fifty-pound sack of flour, tinned foods of all sorts, cooking utensils, blankets, a canvas tarpaulin, books and writing material, a great bundle of letters, a five-gallon can of kerosene, an oil stove, and, last and most important, a large coil of stout rope. from “The Iron Heel” by Jack London, 1876 – 1916
2. a hidden store of goods or treasures This precaution was taken to protect the cache from marauding animals. from “The Gaunt Gray Wolf” by Dillon Wallace, 1863 – 1939 3. in computers, an extra memory area which enables high speed retrieval of frequently used data or program instructions, sometimes referred to as cache memory Caches aren’t architecture, they’re just optimization. Rob Pike, 1956 – verb 1. to hide or store something in a hiding place Cache it this time where those thieving devils won’t beat you to it. from “El Diablo” by Brayton Norton, ? – cash cash / kăsh noun 1. money consisting of dollars and loose change In God we trust; all others pay cash. United States Proverb 2. assets consisting of, or readily converted to, money You can’t have a situation in which companies proceed on a permanent basis relying only on cash from the government. Lawrence Summers, 1954 – verb 1. to pay out or to receive money in exchange for Sign your name on the back of that check and any bank will cash it. from “Lady Luck” by Hugh Wiley, 1884 – 1968