Word of the Day: Bark

bark / ˈbärk   verb  
  1. to utter a short, sharp cry, as a dog
Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear. Dave Barry, 1947-  
  1. to snap; to speak in a curt tone
Don’t waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good. Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882  
  1. to advertise with a persistent cry
Thomas could even hear the hawkers barking their wares on the other side of the perimeter rails. From ‘Secrets in the Stones’ by Tessa Harris, ?-   noun   sense 1
  1. the short, sharp sound made by a dog
The man who has mounted an elephant will not fear the bark of a dog. Indian Proverb  
  1. a short, sharp tone in speech; a curt reply
My bark is worse than my bite. Wendy Williams, 1964-   sense 2
  1. the tough exterior of woody stems, branches, etc. of plants, most often trees, which is separate from the wood itself
If you wound the tree in its youth the bark will quickly cover the gash; but when the tree is very old, peeling the bark off, and looking carefully, you will see the scar there still. Olive Schreiner, 1855-1920  
  1. a type of candy made in sheets, usually topped with other ingredients like nuts
I crouched to look at the almond bark on the bottom shelf in the counter. From ‘Shiver’ by Maggie Stiefvater, 1981-   sense 3
  1. a small boat, usually propelled by oars or sails
Thus, I steer my bark, and sail On even keel, with gentle gale. From ‘The Spleen’ by Matthew Green, 1696-1737