Word of the Day: Just

just / jəst   adjective  
  1. reasonable
Learn good-humor, never to oppose without just reason; abate some degree of pride and moroseness. Isaac Watts, 1674-1748  
  1. conforming to a standard of being correct
With fame in just proportion, envy grows. Edward Young, 1683-1765  
  1. righteous
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits. Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826  
  1. deserved
There’s a fine line between deserving and just desserts. Stanley Victor Paskavich, ?-  
  1. lawful
Possession under a just title is sufficient if continued for a period of 10 years. from the Southern Reporter, Volume 6, 1890   adverb  
  1. exactly
There are three things that a man must know to survive in this world: what is too much for him, what is too little, and what’s just right. African Proverb  
  1. very recently
If I had the opportunity to speak to a young immigrant girl that just arrived to the U. S., the advice I would have for her would be: ask, speak, search; because there are opportunities out there. Jenni Rivera, 1969-2012
  1. by a small margin
Lake Michigan and Lake Huron rose significantly in June, but still fell just shy of the record high June water level. Mark Torregrossa, ?-, mlive.com/weather  
  1. immediately
The droplet is always at its largest just before it drops. Bulgarian Proverb  
  1. only; simply
It is no good going to the river just wanting to catch a fish; you have to take a net as well. Chinese Proverb  
  1. very; also used as an intensifier
When you engage your brain, it just keeps getting fatter and richer and wonderful. Rita Moreno, 1931-  
  1. possibly; maybe
Work as if you own the company and soon you just might. Michael Dolan, 1965-