Word of the Day: Wrangle

wran-gle / ˈraNGɡəl   verb  
  1. to argue or bicker in a noisy or peevish manner
A husband and wife should resolve never to wrangle with each other; never to bandy words or indulge in the least ill-humour. Timothy Shay Arthur, 1809-1885  
  1. to tend or herd
It pays to be in the best shape possible when you’re wrangling the largest reptiles on Earth! Terri Irwin, 1964-  
  1. to engage in an argument
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it; anything but live for it. Charles Caleb Colton, 1780-1882  
  1. to obtain by maneuvering
They’re coming at us so fast – the gizmos, the doodads, the gimcracks, the wonderments – so ubiquitously, so overwhelmingly, we’ve not yet found how best to wrangle each new miracle into genuine usefulness. From ‘You Aren’t Special’ by David McCullough, Jr., ?-   noun  
  1. a noisy dispute
Never get mixed up in a Welsh wrangle. From ‘Decline and Fall’ by Evelyn Waugh, 1903-1966  
  1. an action or instance of bickering
Out of some little thing, too free a tongue can make an outrageous wrangle. Euripides, c. 480-406 BCE