Word of the Day: Outreach

out-reach / ˌau̇t-ˈrēch   verb  
  1. to exceed
Our ability to create has outreached our ability to use wisely the products of our inventions. Whitney M. Young, 1921-1971  
  1. to extend beyond
[…] happy is he […] whose flight unchecked, outreaches life and readily comprehends the language of flowers and of all mute things. Charles Baudelaire, 1821-1867   noun  
  1. the act of extending some gesture
One who is mild rather than forceful has greater capacity for outreach. Ali ibn Abi Talib, 601-661  
  1. the limit or extent of something
[…] the planet of NowWhat had been named after the opening words of the first settlers to arrive there after struggling across light years of space to reach the furthest unexplored outreaches of the Galaxy. from ‘Mostly Harmless’ by Douglas Adams, 1952-2001  
  1. the act of providing services to a community and those in need
Whatever you love to do, turn it into an outreach. Steve Murrell, ?-