Word of the Day: Elect

e-lect / i-ˈlekt   adjective  
  1. chosen or picked
Braschi had always had an academic streak, and even in remote Subiaco the educated abbot had “gathered around him an elect circle of canons and other cultivated persons […] from ‘Papacy and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Rome: Pius VI and the Arts’ by Jeffrey Collins, ?-  
  1. selected for a position but not yet inducted
[…] it will be my duty to so cooperate with the President elect, as to save the Union between the election and the inauguration[…] Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865   noun, plural elect  
  1. one or many who have been chosen as worthy or valued; often used in Christianity
Those who confine God’s love exclusively to the elect appear to me to take a narrow and contracted view of God’s character and attributes… J.C. Ryle, 1816-1900   verb  
  1. to select for a position or office through voting
We the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve. Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1890-1969  
  1. to choose as an option
There are only two ways to deal with the media: either elect to take the Buddha’s vow of eternal silence or make one’s voice known as responsibly as one humanly can and take the consequences. Andrew Linzey, 1952-