Word of the Day: Rap and Wrap


rap  /  răp   noun  
  1. a quick knock or tap
Knock, indeed, he did at the door, but not with one of those gentle raps which is usual on such occasions. From The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, by Henry Fielding, 1707 – 1754  
  1. a knocking sound
A little later, after the stir and sound of voices had died away, light footsteps fell on my ear, and there was a rap at the door. From “The Cryptogram” by William Murray Graydon, 1864 – 1946  
  1. a prison sentence or legal charge (slang)
In America, an acquittal doesn’t mean you’re innocent, it means you beat the rap.
  1. Lee Bailey, 1933 –
  1. the least amount
I do not care a rap as to who gets credit for the work, provided the work is done. Theodore Roosevelt, 1858 – 1919  
  1. criticism or sharp scolding
The biggest rap on me is that I don’t find a Watergate every couple of years. Bob Woodward, 1943 –  
  1. a form of music characterized by rhyming lyrics and a strong rhythm or a song of such music
Rap is rhythm and poetry. Ajay Naidu, 1972 –   verb  
  1. to knock, to tap, to strike
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As if some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. From “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, 1809 – 1849  
  1. to sharply express aloud
Robert could rap out a command nearly as well as his father. From “Nothing Like a Duke” by Jane Ashford (Jane Nancy LeCompte),  1948 –  
  1. to blame or criticize
Australian Reporter Rapped for Plagiarism. Craig Gustafson, June 19, 2003, https://www.theintelligencer.com/news/amp/Australian-Reporter-Rapped-for-Plagiarism-10524583.php  
  1. to talk or converse freely about something
Warren came in in sunglasses and they were rapping about a party and using everybody’s first name. Lacey Fosburgh, “Funny, Serious, Bright, Pretty Stockard Charming”, The New York Times, June 11, 1975  
  1. to perform rap music
I’m not saying my teachers should have rapped my lessons or anything, but I feel if I had made more of a connection to them I would have gotten more out of school. Ryan Montgomery, 1977 –  


  wrap  /  răp   noun  
  1. a garment designed to envelop a person by folding, particularly an outer garment
Dressed in her outer wraps, she stood in the kitchen, anxious and expectant. From “The Secret of the Storm Country” by Grace Miller White, 1868 – 1957  
  1. a removable covering
It’s essential to make sure you have proper kitchen tools for food storage – like cling wrap, bags, and containers – because they help keep food fresher longer. Alex Guarnaschelli, 1972 –  
  1. a flatbread that is folded around a filling
When you’re tired of the same old sandwich, switch things up with a wrap. Sienna Livermore, “39 Delish Wrap Recipes That’ll Make Lunchtime Way More Exciting” https://www.delish.com/cooking/g1092/wrap-recipes, May 28, 2019  
  1. the conclusion of filming a movie
On my last day of shooting, I’d be happy to say ‘Cut, it’s a wrap‘ and fall off the twig. Richard Attenborough, 1923 – 2014   verb  
  1. to cover with a substance usually to protect something
The matches, in a tin box wrapped carefully with oilskin, were still perfectly dry. From “The Yukon Trail” by William MacLeod Raine, 1871 – 1954  
  1. to envelop by folding or coiling something around
I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the constitution to a man who will burn the constitution and then wrap himself in the flag. Craig Washington, 1941 –  
  1. to enfold, particularly in paper, and secure
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.  William Arthur Ward, 1921 – 1994  
  1. to automatically move to the next line, particularly in reference to text that will not fit on a line
Microsoft Excel can wrap text so it appears on multiple lines in a cell. You can format the cell so the text wraps automatically, or enter a manual line break. From ‘Wrap text in a cell’, Microsoft Office Excel Help, https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Wrap-text-in-a-cell-2A18CFF5-CCC1-4BCE-95E4-F0D4F3FF4E84, 11-08-2019  
  1. to cover and obscure
If you want some lies to be believed wrap them up in truths. Danish Proverb  
  1. to be surrounded by
Usually life’s greatest gifts come wrapped in adversity. Richard Paul Evans, 1962 –  
  1. to be completely absorbed or immersed in
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle. Benjamin Franklin, 1706 – 1790  
  1. to put on clothing to keep warm
Keep warmly dressed in cold weather by taking time to wrap up before you go out in the cold (hats, gloves, scarf and a good warm overcoat) and ensuring that you wear warm clothes (light layers such as vests work well) or a blanket while you sitting at home for long periods during cold weather. “Fuel Poverty”  https://www.derrystrabane.com/Services/Sustainable-Development-Energy-Strategy/Keep-Warm/Fuel-Poverty  
  1. to finish filming
Plays close, movies wrap and TV series eventually get cancelled, and we were cancelled in three seasons. George Takei,  1937 –