Word of the Day: Weakly and Weekly


  weak-ly  /  wēk-lē   adjective  
  1. sickly or lacking strength
The sickly, weakly, timid man fears the people, and is a Tory by nature. Thomas Jefferson, 1743 – 1826   adverb  
  1. without strength or vigor
I’ve known people who had fantastic ideas, but who couldn’t get the idea off the ground because they approached everything weakly. Donald Trump, 1946 –    


  week-ly  /  wēk-lē   adjective  
  1. occurring once every seven days or during every seven day period
During his weekly address to the nation, President Obama discussed higher education and said, ‘The most important skill you can sell is your knowledge.’ Jimmy Fallon, 1974 –  
  1. calculated by a seven day period
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.  John F. Kennedy, 1917 – 1963   adverb  
  1. once every seven days
God does not pay weekly, but He pays at the end. Dutch proverb  
  1. by the week
There weekly arrive in this town scores of green Vermonters and New Hampshire men, all athirst for gain and glory in the fishery. From “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville, 1819 – 1891   noun  
  1. a periodical that is issued every seven days
Chum was a British boy’s weekly which, at the end of the year was bound into a single huge book; and the following Christmas parents bought it as Christmas presents for male children.
  1. E. van Vogt, 1912 – 2000