Word of the Day: Random

ran-dom / ˈran-dəm   adjective  
  1. lacking purpose, reason or plan
When you expand your awareness, seemingly random events will be seen to fit into a larger purpose. Deepak Chopra, 1946-  
  1. made, done or chosen with no specific purpose
Once you begin to acknowledge random acts of kindness – both the ones you have received and the ones you have given – you can no longer believe that what you do does not matter. Dawna Markova, 1942-  
  1. in statistics, relating to or being elements with definite probability of happening
There are two types of random variables, discrete and continuous. stat.yale.edu/courses/1997-98/101/ranvar.htm  
  1. in statistics, relating to or being in a set with elements that have equal probability of occurring
Random phenomena like weather events are not chaotic; they are unpredictable in the short run, but they have a regular pattern in the long run. learner.org/courses/againstallodds/pdf/AgainstAllOdds_Student_Guide_Unit18.pdf  
  1. slang, unpredictably odd
Our time on Earth is so random. Lisa Ling, 1973-  
  1. slang, unknown or out of place
Every time I say thanks or thank you to a random person they blush and say you’re welcome. Charlie Morgan, 1955-   adverb  
  1. in a manner lacking purpose or reason, often used in combination
When the cookies have thoroughly cooled, peel off the foil and break them into random-sized pieces. from ‘Apple Turnover Murder’ by Joanne Fluke, 1943-