Word of the Day: Grandiloquent and Grandiloquence

Grandiloquent   gran-dil-o-quent / ɡrænˈdɪl.ə.kwənt   adjective  
  1. speaking in a tone that suggests pomposity or condescension
Never be grandiloquent when you want to drive home a searching truth. Henry Ward Beecher, 1813-1887   Grandiloquence   gran-dil-o-quence / gran-ˈdi-lə-kwən(t)s   noun  
  1. a bombastic style or manner of speaking and writing
I see there is a good deal of grandiloquence in my book – my friends and foes have told me. I think it must be true, for there is a good deal of grandiloquence in me – and in nature also: I saw a sunset last evening that was a gross imposition upon modesty. Max Ehrmann, 1872-1945