Word of the Day: Party
par-ty / ˈpär-tē, plural par-ties / ˈpär-tēz
1. a gathering of people marked by socializing, refreshments, etc.
At a dinner party one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well but not too wisely.
W. Somerset Maugham, 1874 – 1965
2. a person or people on one side of an argument, dispute, etc.
After a trial one party is naked and the other without a shirt.
Serbian Proverb
3. a group of people with common political ideals who want to direct government policies
Political parties serve to keep each other in check, one keenly watching the other.
Henry Clay, 1777 – 1852
4. a group of people engaging in the same activity
Often times during a beautiful summer day, a party of surfers arrives at the beach with the intention of taking advantage of Good Harbor’s alluring wave break.
Liam Carney, ? -, https://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/column-a-proposal-for-the-surf-section-at-good-harbor/article_8cfeba6b-ba33-5998-b0b8-ceba65b7bc56.html
5. a person
In a covenantal relationship, you’re only concerned with loving the other party as much as you can.
From ‘Unashamed’ by Lecrae Moore, 1979 –
6. a military squad dispatched on some mission
I’m tired of deciding which mission is too risky and which isn’t, and who’s going on the landing party and who doesn’t…
Christopher Pike, 1954 –
1. to revel
My favorite thing about partying together is sharing the memories.
Andrew W.K., 1979 –
1. of or relating to a political group
I could never toe the party line.
Helen McCallion, 1921 –
2. of, relating to, or for a social occasion
It is easier for a child to refuse a party favor ahead of time than on the spot.
from ‘Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste’ by Bea Johnson, 1974 –
ultimately from the Latin noun pars, partis (part) by way of the Latin verbs partio, partire, partivi, partitus/partior, partiri, partitus (divide) through the Old French verb partir (divide) and nouns parti (group) and partie (part, division).
etymology provided by Allen Ward