Words of the Day: Emigrate and Immigrate

em-i-grate / ĕm-ĭ-grāt
1. to leave one country in order to settle in another
You don’t need a passport and you don’t need no visas, you don’t need to designate or emigrate before you can see Jesus.
Lyrics from song “Awaiting On You All” by George Harrison, 1943 – 2001
im-mi-grate / ĭm-ĭ-grāt
1. to enter a country of which one is not a native to live as a resident
My parents immigrated to the United States with $10 in their pocket and a belief that the America they had heard about really did exist as the land of opportunity.
From “The America I Know” by Mia Love, 1975 –
2. to enter a new environment, habitat or place
German philosophers, would-be philosophers, and beaux esprits, eagerly seized on this literature, only forgetting, that when these writings immigrated from France into Germany, French social conditions had not immigrated along with them.
From “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx, 1818 – 1883, and Friedrich Engels, 1820 – 1895
3. to send as new settlers or residents
It just don’t make sense to me to immigrate cheap labor into a country that already has an overproduction and is costing the Government millions to store.
“Migratory Labor: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Migratory Labor of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare” by United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, May 12, 16, 18, July 8 and 11, 1960