Word of the Day: Collage

collage col-lage / kō-läzh, kə-läzh   noun 1. a work of art created by pasting various objects and materials together on a surface Anyone who’s ever put a stamp on an envelope or a note on their refrigerator knows what it’s like to make a collage. Elliott Hundley, 1975 –   2. an art form created by pasting various objects and materials together on a surface Collage is the noble conquest of the irrational, the coupling of two realities, irreconcilable in appearance, upon a plane which apparently does not suit them. Max Ernst, 1891 – 1976   3. any composition, such as a film or piece of music, that is created by combining diverse elements or styles We occupy a space of our own creation-a collage compounded by bits and pieces of actuality arranged into a design determined by our internal perceptions, our hopes, our fears, our memories, and our anticipations. Willard Gaylin, 1925 – 2022   verb 1. to create an artistic composition by pasting various objects and materials on a surface But when I worked on a painting I would do it from a drawing but I would put certain things I was fairly sure I wanted in the painting, and then collage on the painting with printed dots or painted paper or something before I really committed it. Roy Lichtenstein, 1923 – 1997