Omaha students benefit from generous gifts from Loveland Golden K Kiwanis Club

Our Loveland Golden K Kiwanis Club has provided third grade student dictionaries to Franklin Elementary School for the second time this year. It is our belief that this dictionary is not just a place to look up unknown words, it opens the student to a world of information about the American Flag, the Declaration of Independence, Biographies of the U. S. Presidents, and facts about our fifty United States and other countries as well; plus many other useful and interesting areas.
The thirty-five student dictionaries we distributed will be a treasured reference book. As a point of interest, one student, when receiving his dictionary and being told to write his name in the front of the book said, `Wow! You mean I can have this dictionary as my very own?` After the dictionary orientation by teachers, a `Getting To Know Your Dictionary` question sheet was distributed to the students to require them to look up answers to the questions. A small gift was presented to the first two students completing the test completely.