Third graders excited about dictionary gifts

The Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club recently completed distributing dictionaries to the third graders of both Martin Luther King Elementary and International School of Monterey in Seaside, CA. A total of 99 dictionaries were distributed with the remaining given to each school for their use at their libraries.
Each child was called up to get his/her dictionary and we were so fortunate to see the smiling faces and gratitude in each child’s face. Best of all, they get to put their names on the inside cover of their very own dictionary. Although we had a limited number of participants handing out the dictionaries, the kids still had a wonderful time during our distribution. They had fun finding out the longest word in the dictionary.
The distributions took place on Monday, Feb 28. At Martin Luther King Elementary school, we went to each classroom and presented the dictionaries individually to each student. We also visited the classroom that had special learning disabilities. What a treat for us to see their smiling faces.
The International School of Monterey, was visited the same day but in the afternoon. They had the 3rd graders in an auditorium. To start the ceremony, they sang the ISM motto song for us. Wow, what a motivator. As you can see by the pictures, they each enjoyed their gift.
Overall, we had fun with this project and presenting to each 3rd grader, their very own dictionary. We also go "thank you" notes from the ISM kids, which I shared with our Rotary Club.
Thanks for what you do,
Joe Mateo