Tri Boro Rotary helps to donate dictionaries to Butler school district

The Tri Boro Rotary donated several dictionaries to the Butler school district on Nov. 21 as part of the Rotary Interact program. Butler High School English teacher Christine Ricca said that the donation was "exciting" and that it would help to promote literacy in the school district.
The school district recently received a donation that will help to improve students’ vocabulary. The Tri Boro Rotary Club, which was founded in 1995 and covers the borough, Bloomingdale, and Kinnelon, donated dictionaries to the school district for the 2011-12 school year. The service organization was honored at the Nov. 21 school board meeting.

Rotary representative Tiffany Seymour and Butler High School English teacher Christine Ricca presented the dictionaries, which will be used by the third-grade class, according to Seymour.

Seymour said that the donation will help to encourage good writers, active readers, and creative thinkers. Ricca said that the donation was "exciting" and would help to promote literacy in the school district.

The donation is part of the Dictionary Project, which has helped more than 14 million children in the United States receive dictionaries. According to the Dictionary Project mission, educators feel that the third grade is a turning point when it comes to learning to read and reading to learn.

The Dictionary Project is also adopted by local Lions Clubs and Elk Lodges, in addition to Rotary Clubs.