Hand-Made Gifts from the Westland Grange #389 Add a Personal Touch to Their Dictionary Project

This is the 9th year the Westland Grange #389 has participated in The Dictionary Project by giving dictionaries to students in the Wayne-Westland Community School District. Grangers presented the students with hand-made book markers and personal bags sewn by Grange members to carry the new dictionary to and from school. Grangers made bookmarks from recycled greeting cards and bags hand-made from sample fabric swatches. The teachers appreciate the bags because it is easier for students to remember to bring their dictionaries from home. ā€œThe children love them because itā€™s theirs to keep,ā€ said Grange President Sharon Strebbing. This year members worked together to make over 600 dictionary bags for their project. They are making the best possible use of all their resources to add a personal touch to their gift.