Sponsor Spotlight: Memorial Donations

Starting a dictionary project in memory of a family member, friend or colleague is a meaningful way to pay tribute to their life and carry on the impact they made in yours. After hearing about The Dictionary Project in the 2002 Wall Street Journal article, Linda Keetch and her husband Brent started a memorial project in honor of her mother and father, “a man who loved to read the dictionary.” Since then, The Michael Gamber and Virginia Gamber Hanks Memorial Grant has sponsored over ten thousand students in both the United States and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The Dictionary Project would like to thank those who have started a memorial or honorary project. Your donation not only provides an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the life of a loved one, it also supports our mission to ensure that everyone will be able to enjoy the benefits of owning a dictionary.
This has been one of the most rewarding things Brent and I have ever done. Three years ago I began volunteering two mornings a week in this 3rd grade classroom. Since I was a high school English teacher, elementary school is completely new to me, but I enjoy being with these children very much. How nice for me that I read an article about Mary in the Wall Street Journal in 2002! Kinda Keetch