First Community Village shares thank-you letters

 The Library Committee of First Community Village retirement community gave dictionaries to the 4th graders at Edgewood School in Marysville on October 12. These are some of the thank-you letters they received from the students.

Dear First Community Village,

Thank you for driving some way to come visit us. I also want to thank you for letting us have those dictionarys. We have been using theme alot lattley.

Sincerely, Kameron

Dear First Community Village,

Thank you for the dictionary. I will use it carefully so I won’t brake it.

Your friend, Haukins

Dear First Community Village,

Thank you for giving us those resoursful Dictionarys. These help me spell words that are hard to figure out. I can’t believe you would want to buy us all of these dictionarys!

With the love of, Joseph

Dear First Community Village,

Thank you for the wonderful dictionarys! They have the best biographys! My favorite thing in them is the periodic table of the elements. I just love palladium (Pd) don’t you? The dictionarys themselves are wonderful learning tools. Thank you once more for the great dictionarys!

Sincerely, Nikolas

P.S. It’s cool that they have the biographys of the presidents.

P. S. S. Palldium’s atomic number is 46 and its atomic mass is 106.4

Dear First Community Village,

Thank you for the dictionary. I have already looked up words and took notes about civics and the American flag. I’m going to use it more and more.

From, Natalie

Dear Library Committee of First Community Village,

Thank you for the dictionaries you gave me and my class. My class and I are very thankful for the dictionary.

I will use the dictionary to not only look up words, but to help me with my school work and my homework. I can teach my brother sign language, about all of our presidents, and how to spell all kinds of words.

Sincerely, Shaune

Dear Library Committee of First Community Village,

How are you? Good, I hope!

I am writing to tell you how thankful I am of my dictionary. They are so cool. Thank you.

My dictionary is my favorite book. I will use this for my homework. Writing and reading. I will use it to learn sign language.

I love my dictionary it has so much stuff in it. It will almost take a year to read. Ha Ha Ha, little joke.

Your friend, Devon

Dear Library Committee First Community Village,

Thank you for the dictionary. It is helpful because you can spell words better. I will try to say the longest word. I love to read about Texas.

Sincerely, Eli

Dear Library Committee First Community Village,

I’m thankful that you came to our school. I’m thankful because you got to talk to us and we got to explore the dictionary. I’m thankful that you went over the dictionary with us. I’m also thankful that you came all this way just to see us. You are great because you came and you gave us a dictionary and talked to us and let us explore them. I’m thankful for the dictionary I needed a multipucation chart and I needed to learn all of the states and contentents. I am using the dictionary to learn about all the states and to use the word definitions and to use the multipucation chart.

Sincerely, Hali Marie

Dear Library Committee of First Community Village,

Thank you for the student’s dictionary. I use it every day for spelling. I have a very fun time using it. I use it for spelling and looking up words.

I have been using it a lot. I like this dictionary because it has a map of the earth inside.

When I get home I will use the dictionary almost every day. All of us like are dictionaries. Last week I went to a bonfire.

Thank you, Tristan

Dear Library Committee of First Community Village,

Hi! How are you? I’m good. I’m writing to thank you for the dictionary. It’s wonderful.

I am going to put it by my chair and use it every day. It’s so nice I love it! It has every word in it that I need to know.

I am busy doing my homework and taking care of my dogs. But I always have time for my wonderful dictionary you gave me. What are you up to? Please write back if you have time.

Best regards, Megan