Dear Dictionary Project…

This year the Dictionary Project donated dictionaries to the third grade students at Westwood Elementary school in Portland, Michigan. This school had never been included in the Dictionary Project before. The children’s letters show how happy they are to have dictionaries of their own.

Dear Dictionary Project, Thank you for the new dictionary I love it. I’ve wanted one for a long time. Our class loves long words. We use words like desperate and despite. We love a lot of words. The dictionary will help us learn new words.
thank you sincerely,

Thank you
From: Amber
To: The Dictionary Project
Thank you for the dictionary. Our word choice book does not usually have the words I need to know.

Thank you very much for the dictionary. I realy needed one to help me spell long words.
from Emma

Thank you the Dictionary Project People! Here’s a good reason why I need a small dictionary because I have a very fat one. And I travel alot.

Thank you for the dictionary I’ve never had a dictionary at my house.
from: Logan
to: Dictionary Project

Thank you for the dictionary! Now I can find the words I don’t know!
from your friend

Dear Dictionary Project
Thank you for the dictionary. I know I am going to be giving my perents the pop quiz on states and some presendents.

Thank You Dictionary Project for the cool dictionary. Thank you. Now I will not make mistakes.
Dear Dictionary Project, I love the dictionary you gave us. It is so nifty to use. Now I don’t have to make a mistake. Thank you so much!

Dear Sirs,
thank you so much for the dictionary I always wanted one of my own so I want to thank you so much. I also love to read.

Dear Sirs,
Thank you very much for the dictionary. I will use it a lot in spelling. I will also use it just for fun.

Dear Sirs,
thank you for the dictionary. We will use them a lot. I like using a dictionary to help me find words for spelling so thank you very much for the dictionary.

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for the dictionary. I will take very good care of it. It will really help me understand words in my book that I don’t know.

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for the dictionary. It is very special to me. I will take good care of it. Now when I ‘m stuck on a word, I’ll use it! Thanks again!

Dear Sirs,
Thank you very much for the dictionary. Every time I have to find the meaning of a word I will use that dictionary. When I use my dictionary I will think of you.

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for the dictionary. I will take very good care of it I will use it a lot even when I don’t need to.

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for the dictionary. I will use it a lot. I will take good care of it. I will make sure it stays in one piece.

Dear Dictionary Project,
Thank you for the dictionaries. We use them in class a lot. At the end of the year my teacher said we can bring the dictionaries home. I will use it a lot in school and at my house. Thank you again.

Dear Dictionary Project,
Thank you for the dictionarys. I could use it for finding diffrent words and meanings. This dictionary helps a lot. I love the dictionary. It is 5 stars good.

Dear Dictionary Project,
Thank you very very much! I am going to use this a lot for school work instead of are old ones. This is a lot better.

Dear Dictionary Project,
Thank you for the dictionaries. Us students needed them. I never had my own dictionary.

Dear Dictionary Project,
thank you for the dictionary. I will use it to help me do my homework once again thank you.

Dear Dictionary Project,
Thank you for the dictionary. I’ve olwys whanted one my hole life. I’d say your the best people or persons.

Click here to read other thank-you letters from children.