Rotary Club prepares to continue successful dictionary project

The Rotary Club of Windward Oahu has adopted 19 schools and donates one dictionary to each third grader in each class in support of Rotary International’s goal of universal literacy for all. Rotary volunteers visit each school they have adopted to distribute the dictionaries. Students are asked to sign each book with their names. A brief lesson on how to use the book is given, and students are asked to find certain words to demonstrate their comprehension. At the end of the visit, the children are asked to use the dictionary to write a thank-you note to the Rotary Club.
Labels printed with The Four-Way Test of the Things We Say, Think or Do are placed inside the front cover of each dictionary and explain that our Club donated the dictionary to the third grader.
We’re involved in our community and support the Hawaii Rotary Dictionary Project for our children in Windward Oahu.