Catoosa Citizens for Literacy Conducts Seventh Annual Dictionary Project

Catoosa Citizens for Literacy recently conducted the seventh annual dictionary project. Catoosa Citizens for Literacy purchases approximately 800 dictionaries each year and distributes them to the third graders at every elementary school in Catoosa County. During the presentation, Phil Ledbetter, co-chairman for Catoosa Citizens for Literacy stresses the importance of graduating from high school. The motto of the school system is always included in the presentation. This year, the motto is “Graduation & Beyond,” and the students are given their first graduation gift, an inkpen signifying them as the class of 2024. The dictionary contains definitions as well as a plethora of other information such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, state facts, presidential history, multiplication chart, periodic table of elements and more. Article from Posted: Saturday, January 10, 2015 Read More: