Word of the Day: Dive

dive / ˈdīv, past tense dove / ˈdōv   verb  
  1. to intentionally jump headfirst into water
Humans are the only creatures with the ability to dive deep in the sea, fly high in the sky, send instant messages around the globe, reflect on the past, assess the present and imagine the future. Sylvia Earle, 1935-  
  1. to plunge or drop at a great rate
Clouds are skidding in from the northwest, and the temperature is diving. from ‘Squirm’ by Carl Hiaasen, 1953-  
  1. to attend wholeheartedly to something
When you dive into being an entrepreneur, you are making a commitment to yourself and to others who come to work with you and become interdependent with you that you will move mountains with every ounce of energy that you have in your body. Caroline Ghosn, 1987-  
  1. to lunge in a certain direction
Leadership is diving for a loose ball, getting the crowd involved, getting other players involved. Larry Bird, 1956-   noun  
  1. the act of jumping into water headfirst
If I do a bad dive, that’s in the past. […] The next dive is a completely separate thing. Tom Daley, 1994-  
  1. a sudden decline
I had a few stocks, but stocks took a dive. Mickey Gilley, 1936-  
  1. an establishment often considered grungy or of ill-repute
If a band can’t fill the seats and entertain their crowd, grow their crowd, they will forever be playing at dives for pennies, and facing an uphill battle. Terry Mercer, ?- terrymercer.com/business-making-music