Word of the Day: Obfuscate

obfuscate ob-fus-cate / ŏb-fə-skāt, ŏb-fŭskāt   verb 1. to confuse, to muddle Opportunism is self interest seeking with guile often involving subtle forms of deceit, especially calculated efforts to mislead, distort, disguise, obfuscate, or otherwise confuse. Oliver E. Williamson, 1932 – 2020   2. to make difficult to see; to dim or darken Smoke obfuscated the skies over a significant part of the Midwest and dimness came to the extent New York City. California sees 7,860 fierce fires, Firefighters travel 12 hours north to help”, ‘Y This News’, www.ythisnews.com/california-sees-7860-fierce-fires-firefighters-travel-12-hours-north-to-help, September 17, 2020